Life is calming down for a couple of weeks here in northeast Missouri, and for that I am thankful! Yesterday I spent half the day on the computer getting caught up on paperwork, orders, and stuff that needed to be completed that I had been carrying around either in a notebook or my head. Pool Boy and I cut ribbons and sealed DSP packages for the paper shares and finishing up some leftover items from last week’s classes. So – I didn’t get a chance to stamp ink on paper, nor cut and create but that’s ok – I will in the next few days!
So, How Do You Get In Contact With Me?????
I know some people have “business hours” that they devote to work, but I’m one that is open to answering questions, helping locate posts, etc. anytime. If I have a text come through with a question or a request arrive from email, I would rather respond then if at all possible, versus waiting for “business hours” to arrive and I forget. So, yesterday as I worked I answered a message about missing product in a customer’s order, I took an order over the phone for a customer, I tried to help another friend locate an online class from the past, and I sent and received payments for an upcoming class. I had several RSVP’s for an upcoming class, and checked back order status for a friend. So, listed below are all the ways you can connect with me!!!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlickoftheRist
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRRh74h7n7DMz5NxoGEgQw
Email: Lolarist@lolarist.com
Text: 660-651-6997
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lolarist/
Final Thoughts….

Just a reminder that the Abundant Masks are now back in stock, and we are taking orders for our ONLINE SUNFLOWER CLASS/SPEED BINGO night on October 5! Let me know if you would like to join us!!!
Here is hoping you have a wonderful Sunday, have the chance to enjoy something you love to do – guarantee football will be the tv at the Rist household – and God Bless! I’ll be back tomorrow with my FB LIVE at 10 am! Please note the time change!!!

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