Good Morning everyone and welcome to the LAST FULL WEEK of April!!! I’m not sure where the month went, and with a blink of the eye May will be upon us! As I started planning out my work this week, I started thinking about swaps for the incentive trip coming up. First thing to do was look through my DSP packages to see which ones I have enough of to create multiple swaps, and I grabbed the A Little Latte DSP package. Not just one package of DSP but SIX PACKAGES!!! And I do NOT LIKE COFFEE!! What was I thinking that I needed 6 packages of this paper??????
Pool Boy and I have neither developed a taste for coffee. My parents religiously drank cups of it, and I remember my mom daily preparing their thermos of coffee to take to work. I like the smell of it, but no matter how hard I tried I could not drink it. Believe me when I tell you I tried everything – black, flavored coffees, cream, sugar, cream and sugar, mutiple flavored creamers – nothing works to make me want to drink it. Just so you know, I DO have a coffee maker but I have no idea how to work it! Megan grabs it and uses it while she’s here, and I look forward to putting it away when she leaves.
So This Week’s Goal – USE THE LATTE DSP!
Even though I could less about drinking coffee, I do LOVE the DSP which explains the multiple packages. So, this week I’m going to focus of getting it used in multiple ways. Who knows, I may even throw in a couple of extra FB LIVES as well! Today’s post – let’s look at my swap for Mexico!

With multiple packages of paper I can use the DSP for the mats on my swaps. Today’s card pairs Calypso Coral and Early Espresso together with the cute cup dies and greeting. It’s hard to see but that image looking into the coffee cup with the heart – that’s actually die cut out of the mat, then popped up with dimensionals. For embellishments, I turned to the ribbon and gems that coordinated with the suite. With a couple of hours I will have plenty of swaps to take. Today’s FB LIVE I am swapping out the Calypso Coral card stock for Lost Lagoon for a quick variation!
Final Thoughts…..
Even if you are like me and do not care for coffee, I hope you will still come back and see how else I plan to use the Latte Suite. Need to do some creative paper crafting to get this stuff gone! I need multiple 3D swaps as well, and I found COFFEE CANDY at Dollar Tree to package. It may taste awful, but I’m not going to check it out and see!! I need a couple of gifts for coffee lovers so I’ll be sharing those ideas along with creative packaging, so be sure to check back!
Before I can get too involved with my latte projects, today’s work is all about my final two classes this month. I’ll be finishing up tutorials, packaging up kits, and getting other items ready for the mail today and then packing for tomorrow’s in person class. Lot’s to accomplish, so I’ll turn to caffeine to keep me going.
My drink of choice – Diet Coke. MUCH BETTER than a cup of coffee!! Until next time, keep stamping, keep crafting, and God Bless!!!

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