The suitcases are unpacked and put away, the materials and products I received from OnStage are in their right places, and the schedule for the week is written out and loaded. There is much to be accomplished in the next 8 or 9 days, then I’ll be pulling the retired products from my craftroom and packing away until my sale late April. I love to travel and experience new things, but there’s something about being home and settled after a trip. I have discovered over the past couple of years I am a homebody. I was worried about being home all day after finally retiring, but I enjoy our quiet time – just Pool Boy, Shelby the Canine Diva, and me. I’m good with everyone coming home to visit, but I’m equally good when everyone heads home and it’s just us!!! Home truly is the best place to be!
The 2024-2026 In Colors Are Announced And I LOVE THEM!!!!!

I so hated to lose Sweet Sorbet, Orchid Oasis, and Starry Sky from our 2022-2024 In Colors. These were some of my favorite colors and I need to be sure I have several sheets left to have for personal use in the year ahead, but the NEW IN COLORS are bright, cheery, and full of possibilities!!!!!
This is a weird photo but I wanted I show as much of the colors as possible. We received 4 sheets of each color at our stamping event on Thursday night along with these beautiful gems – they are gorgeous!!! If you have seen the purple gems with the Lavender Suite, these are the same cut with each of the new colors coming in May:
- Peach Pie!!!
- Pretty In Pink!!! This is a returning color and was such a favorite!
- Petunia Pop!!!
- Summer Splash!!
- Shy Shamrock!!!
I’ll be sharing each of these colors the beginning of April and comparing them with our regular color collections. I’m heading to the craft room to get started on the Retreat cards, I have a belated St. Pat’s card class scheduled (think card bases in all shades of green!), and we have an Easter Sampler to prepare for our elderly church members next week. A total of 28 samplers to make! Wait til you see it tomorrow – it is stunning and not at all what you will expect color wise! Until then, take time to craft, take time to enjoy life, and God Bless!!!!

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