After a week of play the work begins again! This week I have three classes, then we shift into Bingo mode this weekend. One of my favorite things to do is cut paper. Warped, aren’t I????!!! I can just sit and listen to a podcast or music and cut paper to my heart’s content. Problem is, my right biceps will hurt the next couple of days. There is much cutting to do, since the two bingo classes are scheduled for next week AND the paper/ribbon shares arrive tomorrow. I’m lucky to have a couple of friends who are also warped and love to cut paper so hopefully they will come and help me make short work of this stack, and if their arms aren’t too sore they will come again!!!
Father’s Day Book Class To Be Scheduled Soon!!!!

What do you give a guy who has everything OR never asks for anything????? I designed this beautiful scrapbook right before going to Mexico and it’s PERFECT for a Father’s Day gift!!! Once assembled, simply add pictures and memories!!! This class will be offered as both an in person class at my home OR as an online one with a FB LIVE recording and emailed tutorial. More info coming tomorrow!!!!!
Grandson #2 Is Coming In October!!!

I’ll end today’s post with this cute picture of Cal and the announcement of another grandson coming. We are super excited to have one more grandson to love and cuddle even though those Rist boys will probably be a handful!!! Until next time, have a great day, find time to do whatever you love, and God Bless!!!

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