Thank You Stampin Up for the speedy way you are shipping out catalogs as well as preorders!!! My catalogs are due in MONDAY the 10th – usually late afternoon – and if you are like me you can’t wait to have the real one in hand versus online!!!! Be sure to reach out if you need a catalog! I have orders from last week’s classes arriving tomorrow, so when I text about order pick up be sure to remind me that you need your personal catalog!!! Customer Ordering goes live May 2!!!
Do you have a way of notating in your catalogs if you own a product????? I know my catalogs are covered in highlight marks, circles for wish lists, along with sticky notes, etc. For most of us it’s the best way to know what’s in our current stampin arsenal!!!!! I also have customers that take those catalogs to be spiral bound!!!! In the comments below, let me know how you keep up with your supplies so you aren’t missing or double purchasing an item. We’ve all done it!!!! In fact, last week I ordered two stamp sets of the Sea Turtles in the same order!!! LOL!!! BUT, with yesterday’s technique class we were able to put BOTH of them to good work so in this instance it was a good thing.
For those of you needing catalogs mailed I will ship them out by Wednesday of next week! I’ll be back tomorrow to share a quick card Pam did and my slant on it, then the family will be arriving and we will be busy celebrating Easter. Pool Boy is on his way now to pick up his mom – she has been visiting in Iowa with his sister – and she will be with us as well so the house will be full. Until tomorrow, have a great Thursday and enjoy some crafting time!!! Until then, best wishes and God Bless!
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