By now, we should be getting close to our last port in Norway. We will have a full day sailing back across the North Sea, then on the departure day we will be shuttled back to London from South Hampton and for us, we will be returning home. It’s wonderful to see the beautiful countries and experience life in other cultures, but I have to admit Pool Boy and I are both looking forward to June and July – and just staying HOME!!! This year has been full of trips and excursions, but as Dorothy said – there is no place like HOME!
Using The Money Bundle For A Mother’s Day Card AND My 3D SWAP!!!! Double win!!!!

My son asked me to help him create a special card for Cal to give to his mama for her first official Mother’s Day. I grabbed the Little Monkey Builder Bundle, and let creativity go bananas! This is a tri-fold card with a base of 12 x 5.5 inch DSP from the Fresh As A Daisy Collection. Using a variety of green blends and the stamps I was able to have that little monkey sitting, swinging and hanging from the tree. And it took three of us to get the hand and foot prints of our little monkey! Pool Boy was ready with washcloth to clean, Baby Daddy was helping to hold Cal and his foot/hand, and Nana was quickly inking and stamping prints for the inside of the card!!! And Cal was smiling a mile wide!!! The picture above is one Baby Momma posted when she opened it on Mother’s Day.
What’s A 3D Swap??????

One of the fun things to do at any Stampin’ Up event is the opportunity to swap cards and projects with others, including on the Incentive Trip. This is all optional, but it is so fun to come home with ideas to share immediately with your groups. Each person participating takes 26 cards/3d projects labeled with your name and address. After several days of sorting – remember, 380 people earned the trip so several hundred will be swapping TIMES 2 swapping groups! – you go back to the Hospitality Rooms and they will hand you a bag with 25 DIFFERENT cards/3d projects (the 26th one is for Stampin’ Up to display so you can take pictures of those you didn’t receive). Many will participate in both cards AND 3D so lots of ideas to see.
My cards were completed and packaged some time ago, and I was ready to scratch the idea of participating in the 3D swap BUT standing in line at the store I saw BANANA LAFFY TAFFY on the day I made Cal’s card!!! In less than 2 hours 26 swaps were designed, cut, prepped, stamped, colored, and READY TO ASSEMBLE once I get to the ship. Have an empty paper pumpkin box???? PERFECT to pack tight and add to your luggage!!!
Just a couple more posts and we will be home!!! Until next time, God Bless!!!!

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