With today’s weather calling for a heat advisory, it’s pretty ironic that today’s card is a snowman!!! Maybe it’s the whole subliminal message thing to keep us cooler in temps like this!
I was so proud of our granddaughter Nora in the opera this past weekend, and although opera is not my first choice, it was EXCELLENT!!! The staging, the orchestra, the performers – exceptional. I was highly impressed with the production by the Union Avenue Opera Company and I’m thrilled Nora had this opportunity. After about 2 and 1/2 hours though, I was ready for Carmen to go ahead a die so it was over! LOL!! Don’t take that wrong – that is how it ends, but three hours of singing with lyrics in French was pushing even this music educator’s limit!

Today’s card is a play on Pam’s card she shared on our group page a couple of weeks ago. This is a cute stamp set, and I’m planning to use this card during our Christmas card class on July 30. Are you signed up for the class??? Tomorrow is the FINAL DAY to sign up and hold your spot, so be sure to contact me if you are interested in joining us!!!
I’ll be back tomorrow with the product list to recreate this card! Today is going to be a busy one with appointments and a snafu to correct in our Alaska travels. When it rains, it pours. Or in this instance, it’s more like a flood! Until tomorrow, have a great day and God Bless.

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