Wow – yesterday was one of those days I am glad to say is over, but man did we get lots accomplished. A FB LIVE, a techniques class AND Online Speed Bingo/Fancy Fun Fold Class as well!!! By 7:30pm I was running on fumes though, and I was asleep not long after everyone left. I’m very blessed to have gals such as Pam, Chris, Tena, and Johnna to help me with these events. They are all creative, and even though each of them are overloaded with numerous things in life right at this moment, they are still willing to share their creativity and time with you. Can’t thank you enough ladies!!!!
Creating With The Country Woods Suite!

I shared this card yesterday on my FB LIVE, mainly because I needed to practice the scoring and cutting on this card base! Once you do a couple of these fun folds it is much easier to repeat. All of my measurements and directions are in the PDF below, and I also share the YouTube link on the PDF so you can access the recording of this card. Clink on the link below to open the PDF, and while you are there go ahead and save it to your desktop or files for future reference.
I would suggest watching the video first due to the excessive turning of the card base and scoring and cutting. Just a thought!!!

You may think cards as detailed and involved as this one will need a special envelope, but not the case!!! By folding on the score lines the card will fold down to the perfect size for our envelopes. You may need to add extra postage though!
Final Thoughts….

Yesterday I shared the beautiful gifts created by Pam and Chris to share with the ladies at church for Mother’s Day. Chris has graciously provided me the measurements and info so I will post a second PDF tomorrow with the info needed. We had a special request for the information, and you will be amazed how easy the assembly goes! Until next time, have a wonderful day, find time to craft and create, and God Bless!!!

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