This week has flown by! With us being gone for several days I’ve tried to get ahead on blogging, I’ve gotten my next class project ready, and the whole packing thing – gosh, I hate to pack. Not something I enjoy and it’s the last thing I do before we leave. Some people have everything laid out and folded days ahead and all that stuff – not me. I’ll do it the hour before we leave! And when we return, first thing I do is empty those suitcases!! Everything back and in it’s place before I sit down! Are you like me or do you keep pulling clothes from the luggage thru the week until it’s all empty????
Using Versa Mark, Embossing Powder, And Background Stamps!

This DSP from Sale-A-Bration – Favored Flowers – is kind of one I can take or leave. Some of my friends love it, some of them dislike and quite honestly, I’m kind of in the middle. My favorite part is not the big bold floral images but it’s the BACKSIDES of those floral images. I like the softer, smaller prints that work so well as mats on cards. In the card above, I paired gold embossing powder with the hand-drawn dots background stamp to add texture and interest to the DSP mat!

Final Thoughts….
I wish I had another week to play with background stamps because I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface. Consider pulling out those stamps you own and experiment with them. I wanted to do the Joseph’s Coat technique with one and didn’t get to it, and I LOVE the daisy background. Embossed with white flowers and then laying background color with the blending brushes or a brayer would be beautiful! If you own background stamps, make then earn their keep in your stamp arsenal! Unless you have a huge craft area, those stamps take up prime space just to lay around! Kind of like the beach front homes – prime real estate!!! LOL
Until later, keep stamping, TRY EXPERIMENTING with background stamps, and God Bless!!!!

Best idea I have seen for the really sorta ugly paper. I’m with you…..the backside has got my vote!
Right?!!! I find I just like the smaller, less distractive images on the the backside! Glad I’m not the only one!