Well, the Chiefs live for one more game!!!! It was stressful to watch, especially in the 2nd half but with the top two defenses playing it was expected. We rooted for the Lions after the Chiefs had won their spot because they were the favorites having never been to the Super Bowl, but I truly believe the playoff game experience was the key for both winners. Are we going to the Super Bowl??? Nope, we had the experience of a lifetime last year that would be hard to top, so we are going to a Super Bowl tailgating party in Vegas away from the stadium to join with other fans in that atmosphere instead. Vegas will be rocking for sure that weekend!
Using the Stack, Cut, and Shuffle Technique!!!

I needed some quick Valentine cards so I turned to the Stack, Cut, Shuffle technique to quickly design 4 cards. My plan was to show how to do this technique on my FB LIVE this morning, but I totally forgot I had a conflict with this morning, so am hoping to be able to record my LIVE later today. Because the prints I used had directional prints, I had to keep all 4 of my cards vertical, so if you can pick four pieces with NO definite direction, you could mix vertical and horizontal cards for variety.
If you haven’t checked out the Bee Mine Suite, please go back and give it one more look!!!! I love everything included in the suite – the DSP, the color combos, the ribbon, punch and stamp set – everything!!!!
New Host Code Link For Online Orders!!!!
With the calendar turning in a couple of days to February, it’s time to post a new host code order!!!! I’m very close to my next sales milestone that I know I will easily hit this coming month , so will be running a fun drawing for my customers through the whole month of February to share the love!!! Be sure to copy this link for online ordering:
More info to follow on February 1!!!!
Final Thoughts….
My house is completely stripped of Christmas except for one place. Our family room is also our Chiefs room, and the Chiefs tree is still standing. Pool Boy didn’t let me take it down until after last year’s Super Bowl, and he said it doesn’t come down until after they lose a playoff game or the Super Bowl is over, so it’s still standing!!! LOL
So we will be coming home from Vegas on Valentine’s Day and our date that night will be the boxing of the tree. Isn’t that the way everyone wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day???? LOL !!!
Until next time, keep crafting, keep stamping, and God Bless!!!!

Valentine’s Day is also Ash Wednesday! No prime rib for me…so I guess it’s church and tuna salad! How romantic!! LOL