We are home from a quick trip visiting our daughter and her family! We laughed, played games, shopped, finished ALL of the valentine gifts for the girls’ classes, and set dates for our 2023 vacations! How is THAT for being productive??!! And I predicted Fi would be finished helping and eating m and m’s by half way and she proved me wrong! She wrote her name “Fiona” on all 20 of the valentines first (not an easy feat for a 4 year old!), stuffed half the bags and called – done! She earned the bag of candy for sure! Nora on the other hand stretched it out for almost 2 hours taking her time with dimensionals and placement and figuring out which friend would get which color of kinetic sand!

I’ve shared pictures and past posts of the girls’ classroom treats, the treats I’ve made to share with others, and also a beautiful set of valentine cards I received from Johnna Bixenman Clarke, one of my down line and dear friends I shared about a couple of weeks ago, but today is all about the valentines I have received from dear friends this week!
A Special Treat From Tena!

A Cute and Pretty Valentine From Patty!

Elegant Foil Greetings From Rowena!

A Cheery Valentine Card From Chris!

Last But Not Least Is Our Valentine Package From Lynn!

I enjoyed sharing these special gifts we received, but mostly I enjoyed sharing the connections to dear friends – connections brought about and nurtured through Stampin’ Up! These ladies truly embody Stampin’ Up!’s Statement Of The Heart:
To LOVE what we do and SHARE what we love as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments ….. In this we MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Thank you Johnna, Tena, Patty, Rowena, Chris and Lynn! Love you all! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! Until next time, keep stamping, keep crafting, and God Bless!
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