Good morning everyone and I’m here for a very SHORT post because I’m running on fumes this morning. It was a long day yesterday with the football game in KC, and after midnight before getting home. Pool Boy had a few highlights he wanted me to see from the game as well, so I didn’t go to sleep right away.
The Chiefs’ tree is still standing and is scheduled to come down on Tuesday, Feb. 11 – no matter the Super Bowl outcome. I HOPE to be live late this afternoon and other than a card class to package for tomorrow, that may well be the extent of my accomplishments today.
We made arrangements to be in New Orleans during the Super Bowl – believe it or not, I made our reservations the day AFTER last year’s Super Bowl win in Las Vegas jsut in case – so that means a road trip will be coming up next week! I will be back tomorrow morning with my project from today’s FB LIVE. Thanks for understanding, and I will be in touch Tuesday. After a very long and much needed nap!
God Bless!

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