Yahoo! The NEW 2022-23 Annual Catalog is LIVE and my orders have already gone in! EVEN before I had my morning Diet Coke – my big vice – I was placing orders! What is on your wish list???? The NEW 2022-24 In Colors???? A new bundle or suite???? A new DSP??? I bet the Sun Prints Suite and The Abigail Rose Suite are the hot items for today. Then again, it could be the beautiful Hues Of Happiness Suite!!!
So much to pick from!
Link To My On Line Store:

Click on the link below to take you directly to my online store AND THE HOST CODE IS ATTACHED!
Happy Shopping Everyone! I’ll be back tomorrow with our projects from tonight’s FB LIVE and to share info on the new addition to Stampin’ Up’s kit line as well as their new BRANDED MERCHANDISE!
Keep stampin,keep craftin, and God Bless!
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