Remember those days when we sat on the floor by the phone? When we had too because the phone was attached to the wall by a cord, and you only had so much length of cord from the phone to the other end?? Lord, we had like a 6-8 foot cord and my dad was always upset with us because we would have it all twisted up like a pretzel from stretching it out to talk a bit more privately! Of course, this is the time before we had push button numbers as well – you had to use the dial and there was no such thing as a “redial button”.
Wonder why I am talking about this????? Even in this day and age of cell phones that allow us to go any and every where, we are STILL tied down to a cord!!! Pool Boy’s I pad needed to be recharged, and in the search for the cord we discovered the two he had are no where to be found. After having kids and grandkids visiting we now know that both cords are in St. Louis and since Pool Boy’s I pad is new it has a totally different plug from our phones. Phones, watches, airpods, ipads and tablets – even my laptop still needs those old cords to function.
Your PDF For Yesterday’s FB LIVE Card Is Ready!

This was my card from yesterday’s FB LIVE on my business page. If you missed the live you will find the recording has been uploaded on my youtube channel. The link is located at the bottom of the pdf for you. Be sure to save to your computer or print a hard copy for your files.
Final Thoughts…
So, Pool Boy’s phone experiences from his childhood are different from most of us. His hometown of Alma, MO had the old party line thing (his number was 222 and the phone ring was two longs, two shorts). They had a phone operator who ran the town phone system named Velma. Pool Boy called once to have Velma ring his dad at work, and she told him “he just walked into your grandma’s hardware store across the street. I’ll ring there for you instead!” When they finally changed to a regular phone system in 1970 they skipped completely over from the dial and went directly to push button! Supposedly, the last town in Missouri to do so, and the old phone is still hanging in his mom’s family room too.
We’ve come a long way with technology but we simply can’t get away from the outlet cords which still tie us down! Til next time, have a great day, take time to craft, and God Bless!

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