Good Morning and I hope you are staying warm this winter day! We were in single digits again last night in northeast Missouri but warmer weather predictions are heading our way the first of next week! Just part of living in the Show Me State – like riding a weather roller coaster!
Everyone Deserves A Sweet Treat Bag On Valentine’s Day!

FB LIVE Link Below – Be Sure to Request to Join!
This week we are looking at ways to use extra DSP in our craft arsenal, so today’s post is all about a treatbag I showed last night on our FB live. Pam and I created several ways to share our paper crafting with others for Valentine’s Day. If you would like to view the recording, click on the link below. We started this private group the spring COVID hit to keep our friends connected, and we continue to grow weekly!
Final Thoughts…

This treatbag is one I received from a creative convention I signed up for under Ronda Wade. Of course, the first thing I do when I receive things like this is deconstruct! Have to know how they made it! The one I received was a bit larger so I adjusted measurements to be able to maximize the 12×12 piece of DSP to get 2 per sheet.

It’s fun to give little treats to friends, co-workers, and customers anytime of year, but especially during Valentine’s Day! This sweet little gift will put a smile on everyone’s face for sure, especially with Ghiradelli Chocolates tucked inside!

Printable PDF Link Below!
I’ve included a PDF for this treatbag at the link below! Be sure and copy so you have it one hand when you are excess DSP AND are needing a quick treat idea!
This is a quick and easy treat bag you can duplicate and also adjust as needed to hand out to others! And what a fun way to share your love of paper crafting with others! Until next time, keep stamping, keep crafting, and God Bless!

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