Happy Belated Grandparents’ Day to those of you who are lucky and blessed to be called Grandma, Nana, Gigi, Great, Gaga, Nene, Mimi, etc. There are so many different names but no matter what you are known by, the title of “Grandparent” is without a doubt one of the best! Grandparents love unconditionally, spoil endlessly, and the connection of grandparent/grandchild is a bond that hopefully can not be broken.
I was blessed to have three of my grandparents til adulthood, and then I was able to share three of Pool Boy’s grandparents as well. In fact, one of those grandparents actually introduced us and for that I’m forever thankful.
Chris Howe took on the task of creating gifts for moms, dads, and grandparents for our church family this year, and it’s rather hard to come up with ideas of something small that will be appreciated and treasured, yet keeping costs down. When she was asking us for ideas, Pam suggested bookmarks! What a neat idea AND fairly reasonable to purchase a small laminator, laminating folders, along with finished tassels. Add in some beautiful DSP, print a verse on Basic White card stock, and you create a great gift for our loved ones to use and enjoy daily!

Chris turned to the beautiful Regal Winter DSP from the Holiday Mini Catalog for the more feminine bookmarks, then she pulled the fishing DSP from last year’s Annual catalog for the masculine ones. She did her prep work ahead by running and cutting the printed mats, cutting her DSP into rectangles and strips, then calling in extra hands to help assemble.
The white card stock strip measures aprx. 2 inches by 5 inches (guessing here cause I’m not going to chase down my ruler!), then we simply added the DSP strips and rectangles on top. She ran through the laminator, then used Pam’s Crop-adile for the hole punch. Insert tassel, then seal in a cellophane package and place in a basket. By doing the prep work ahead it took a little over 2 hours for three of us to assemble and package over 100 bookmarks. And best of all – she has the laminator available along with extra laminating folders and tassels to use for future church projects such as VBS or nursing home visits.

This is another great idea of using your paper crafting talents to bring joy to others. Our paper crafting skills are not limited to simply cards, boxes, tags, etc. There are many ways to create a simple gift to share with others, because truly a hand-made gift is the best gift of all. It’s crafting from the heart!
My Monday FB LIVE was sharing tips when using one of my favorite adhesives – ADHESIVE SHEETS! They are kind of intimidating, but with a few tips and suggestions you can become a pro with them! I’ll post my link to the recording as well as my project on Tuesday. Until then, have a great day, keep stamping, keep crafting, and God Bless.

i love your book markers what dsp did you use and where can i find that beautiful verse would like be to make boook markers for my church group where is the link for this book markers