Technology is so amazing, isn’t it??? And it’s also iritating, exasperating, frustrating, — are you there with me??? BUT when it all works, it really can blow you away. Just think – my friend Martina from Austria can reach out and message me and in an instant I receive it! That we can send pictures, post information, and actually talk to someone WITH VIDEO on Zoom or Facetime!!! It’s simply become second nature to us now.

When you are running a small crafting business, offering classes, and building email lists, it’s important that everyone has your info – How can they reach you?????? I thought I would share each of my ways to folow me so you can connect with me on whatever social media platform you feel comfortable with!
My Daily Website!!!
5 years ago I wanted a blog and I did several things to try and get one started only to get frustrated and give up. A couple of years ago I bit the bullet and hired a web designer and then proceeded to learn and practice how to post daily. This is my favorite way to connect BUT not the only way!!! I build my email list through the blog, so please be sure to subscribe on the pop up screen so you receive notifications, messages, and upcoming events!!!!
Face Book!!!!
I have a couple of facebook pages, but you can ALWAYS connect with me through my facebook business page. Think of it as my virtual storefront!!! I post classes, event, and keep you up to date with the current promotions from Stampn’ Up! Click on the link below and PLEASE like and follow me!!! Each of those likes, followers, and comments keeps my post circulating and prominent to view!!!!
On Monday mornings I GENERALLY have FB Lives, then I immediately upload them to You Tube. By going to my You Tube channel you will see the picture of the card I am creating which should make it easier to find down the road. Have you checked out my channel??? With just a click of the button you can subscribe to all of my videos posted!!!
After each of my posts, I also try to post my cards and projects to my Pinterest page. That’s another way to go back and search for my creations, and each of them is still linked to the post on my website. Be sure to click on the link below to follow me!!!
Finally, My Online Store!!!!
I have an online store link through the Stampin Up website where you can order from me, reach out to me, join my team, etc. I try to always have a monthly host code available on my blog, but even if you can’t find it you can always reach out to me by text, messenger, and email for the link. My online store is:
Final Thoughts…..
Technology is awesome when it works, and as the person using the techology I’ve come a very long way!!!! Just know, there are multiple ways to connect with me, some of them make it much easier to locate things, and all of them have a purpose. Today, I’m away from technology because it’s time for football!!! Then again, our parking pass is a qrcode that they have to scan, our tickets have to be scanned from my phone, our drinks at the concession stand have to be paid through the phone wallet app. and if Pool Boy wants to have dinner at a specific restaurant I’m going to be using google maps for the best directions.
Guess I’m not going to be far from technoloqy today, after all!!!
Until next time, keep crafting, keep stamping, and God Bless!!!

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