Pool Boy just informed me that I’m almost as bad as Wally World!!!!!! He’s been helping me cut the dies for our Valentine Card Class as well as the Grandkids’ class, and today he is cutting hearts for Valentine’s and eggs for Easter!!!! Jumping the holidays on him for sure! Wonder how he ever got the name of Pool Boy????
Several years ago while I was filling a critical shortage position in speech Jim was home and in charge. My stamping friends would come to pick up orders, and since I wasn’t home during the week, they also had Jim’s number. They would call, and he would run the orders out to them. Our friend Linda labeled him “Pool Boy” and from there on, Pool Boy he is!!!!
Easter Greetings With Excellent Eggs!

Today’s card is the Easter card from our grandkids’ class in it’s pastel colors. The subtle collection is one I use just occasionally, unless I’m doing a monochromatic card. I started with the colors of Lemon Lolly, Pool Party, and Basic White, then added a 3 inch square panel from the Lighter Than Air DSP. (word of advice: to maximize my 6×6 paper such as Lighter Than Air, I rarely cut the mat 4 x5 1/4 inches. Doing so only gives me one mat, with wasted scraps. Instead I use the DSP as accents, by cutting into 2 inch sections or 3 inch squares – this gives me multiple pieces from the 6×6 for square multiple cards.)
Final Call For The Valentine Card Class AND Grandkids’ Card Class!
Wednesday morning is the last day to sign up for either or both of the two card classes above. Since the Valentine card class is an order based class I need to place the order first thing Wednesday to qualify for expedited shipping. Test, message or email me to hold your spot!!!!
Yesterday’s Cards AND Final Thoughts…..
I will be sharing a PDF of the quick Valentine cards I shared yesterday, but first I want to do a FB LIVE. The tricky part is in the cutting of the DSP mats, and a video will make that much easier to understand. I will post a FB LIVE on Wednesday morning so watch for time info on my FB business page.
I am heading soon to church for our Blessings Card Ministry. With the weather being such an issue, many of the church things were pushed back, so we are just getting back into swing with our ladies’ bible study, the card ministry and the ladies’ quilting group as well. Until tomorrow, have a great day crafting and doing something that makes you happy, and God Bless!!!!

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