Goodness, we awoke to a couple more inches of snow this morning! Not enough for Pool Boy to blade or shovel though. Just on of those snows that lays fluffy […]
Blender Pens
Dies Without Bundles – The Perennial Postage Dies!
Woo Hoo!!! It’s heatwave time!!! We are up to 15 AND MIGHT reach 30 later today! When you have spent the last week in the negative numbers, 30 sounds like […]
A Mishmash Of Supplies CAN Create Something Pretty!!! LOL!!
For many years Sunday nights were my “plan of attack”night to get us through the upcoming week. I made my weekly calendar, organized lunches for the week, clean laundry back […]
Pairing The Hand Penned Stamp Set With The Stained Glass Technique!
Today’s post will be short since we are in final preparations for our Spring Retreat tomorrow. As I write this Jim is already prepping veggies for tomorrow. In a couple […]
Variations With Wisteria and Holland Activities!
We have had a beautiful day in Holland – sunshine, no humidity, gentle winds – perfect! Posted below are the two card variations using the Wisteria Wishes stamp set and […]
The Art of Pivoting as a Stamper
There are so many changes the majority of us have made since COVID came to be. We have hand sanitizer and masks in all of our vehicles and it’s become […]