Good morning everyone and welcome to the first week of December! As I type there are big snowflakes lightly falling outside with just a dust on the ground. No accumulation […]
clean and simple design
Crafting With Others While Helping Others – A DOUBLE WIN!
Good morning everyone!!! It is chilly and abit frosty here in our neck of the woods, enough that you know winter is not far away. This past Saturday it was […]
Some Beautiful Easy Cards AND Some Thanksgiving Memories!
Man, the past two weeks have been loaded with Christmas decorations, family visiting, church services and activities, and our final stamping event for November. We are cruising into Thanksgiving week […]
Sweet Days Of Autumn DSP To Celebrate Fall!
I love the crisp fall days, with the leaves turning colors, the cooler temps, and the fall decorations. Of course, I also hate fall because that’s when my allergies kick […]
Frosted Forest For Winter
For years I’ve heard about the Top Of The Rock tour and museum, but there was never a time to work it into the schedule. I can say that today […]
What’s “MOO” With You???
It’s FRIDAY!!!! There’s always that little “woo hoo” when the end of the work week is here, even though I’ve been retired for several years. Maybe it’s the knowledge that […]
Enjoying The Sweetness Of Hearts And Hugs!
After church on Sunday we took off for the halfway point between Macon and St. Louis to meet up with our daughter Megan and her family. After a quick lunch, […]
Dainty Delight From The Annual Catalog!!!
Good morning everyone and welcome to the weekend!!!!! Even retired people look forward to the weekend!!! And in northeast Missouri it’s a beautiful, sunny day to enjoy from inside the […]